Thursday 28 October 2010

Ebay Listing Template That Will Save You Money

Here is a useful eBay listing template that can be used for any of your ebay listings. You don't need to worry about HTML or coding, if you can copy and paste you can use this this template. The template is flexible so you can add and format as much text as want to using eBays built-in listing editor. You can also add up to 3 listing images for free.

How to Do It
All you need to do is copy the code and paste it into your ebay listing page.
1. Open the standard ebay listing page.
2. In the area where you usually describe your item select the HTML tab.
3. Copy and paste the code into this area.
4. Now select the Standard tab and you should see this table with this text and my images.

Changing the text.
Now that you are in the Standard tab replace item title and text in this template with yours. Using the tools available from ebay you can change the font type, style, colour and size by selecting an area of text and applying your chosen format.

Changing the images
To change the images you will need to host your images somewhere like Flicker or Google. Go into the HTML editing mode and change the links from my image links to yours. Again this is just a matter of copying the links from your photosharing site and pasting them where mine are.

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